Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Worst Fears Came True & More

I think I can try and get this out now. My Meranda went into labor 3 days early. Meranda gave birth to 6 stillborn boys and she had 2 little girls. One lasted for 4 days. Just as we were going to start feeding her ourselves and she didn't seem to be doing well, while Bob was getting what we needed for her, she went to sleep. This has been so horrible, a complete nightmare. I had had bad feelings from the start as this was a back to back pregnancy. Our vet said even if we had brought her in, he believed the pups had died inside her within the 24 hours before she went into labor, which he thought caused her to go into labor. He also believes the stillborn boys died from something genetic because it was only the boys. The boys were good size, no physical deformities that we could see of any kind. We called the vet and was explained how to try to revive them. To no avail, it did not work. We, Bob, Andrew, and myself were simply sick inside and heart broken. The little girl we lost I was calling her Hope and that is what I wrote on her little box after I wrapped her in a pink baby blanket. Our other girl, I call Faith Noel, is growing , thriving steadily. She is a big girl. Tomorrow she will be 3 weeks old, it is time to worm her. I would like to keep her, Bob says, he is going to talk to a couple people about her. If she isn't here, she needs to be close, so we can still see her. She crys alot, I think she knows she is alone and they are gone. Her sister sleep beside her for 4 days. Under no circumtances will there be anymore mistakes. Meranda must cycle a whole year between births to recoop. We don't want another litter for at least 3-4 years. I will post some pics of Our chubby Faith Noel when I take some. I have been holding off for a bit. Her eyes opened last Friday and she has been trying to walk. She loves to eat from Meranda and sleep beside her. When we stroke her she calms. She is our very special miracle. We hope all of the other puppies and their families had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
Love to all the puppies.
Beverly, Bob, & Andrew

Monday, November 28, 2011

Its almost time 2 weeks to go

Well, the nursey area is back up, I have my mother-in-law getting my sheets. Meranda is so fat, I just don't know. I hope this starts in the morning, but I doubt it. I am trying to organize ahead alittle with my broke foot. I should be in a walking boot before they are walking so that will definitey help. It will work itself out I'm sure.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

OOPS, It's all my fault

Well, Here we go again. I am so sorry Meranda. I didn't switch them in & out from Bad to Good kennel. I walked away for just a couple minutes. Max tore the front of the old kennel up & poor Meranda didn't have a chance. That was all it took, one time, my poor baby girl. Max had been in the new kennel which he can't get out of or into. Meranda will have a new kennel just like that one after this. I think we are having about 7-9 puppies possibly. Meranda is due on Dec 11,2011. Now I have to rearrange the garage again & put the nursery pen back up. Oh boy, I hope everything goes well. I don't like her having 2 litters in a row but we will have to deal with it. I love the puppies and it is upsetting to see them go. Everyone say a prayer for Meranda that her delivery goes well. She is such a sweet, happy girl. She is 3 years old.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jager, she is a pretty Girl too !!!!

Here's a familiar face from a few posts back. Jager(girl) is starting to fill out & her ears are also coming up nicely. She doesn't live far from us. I understand she also quite a smart girl too. She has a stepsister GSD named Ushi who stays close by & is her best buddy. She was the only one of the litter who looked different , though she does remind me alot of Mia & Maggie from Merandas first litter from last year.
. Thanks for sharing her picture with us.

Isn't She Lovely !

Miss Chainsaw is looking so beautiful.Miss Chainsaw is learning to dance. These pictures are really great.
Thanks again LaDena for sharing her with us.

More beautiful pictures of Miss Chainsaw

Miss Chainsaw just gets more beautiful every day. Her ears are looking great. Her mommy says she is very smart, she behaves very well, loves attention as well as the water. I just love seeing her. She was my girl before she left us and we had her for about 9 weeks or so. Plenty of time to get attached.
I love you Miss Chainsaw. Thanks again LaDena, you don't know how much it means to see her pics.

Introducing pretty Bella

This is pretty little Bella. Her new mommy says her favorite toy is her pink ball. She is a very happy little girl. She looks a little spoiled too & that is great !!!!
Thanks to her family for sharing her with us.

Her ears are coming up!!!!

Hi everyone,
Miss Chainsaws ears are starting to perk up & isn't she turning into a pretty little girl.
Thanks again LaDena for the pics, can't wait to see her again.

Miss Chainsaw Really Loves to Swm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Chainsaw really loves the water. Her mom sent a couple pic of her in her in-laws swimming pool. Evidently, when she got up on the deck, she already new what to do. Just jump right in. She is riding on pink float with the help of her new daddy. She looks so happy & is having a great time. Thanks for sharing her with us LaDena.
Kiss and hugs to you Miss Chainsaw aka(my fluff fluff)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Merandas babies have all found a home .

Our last little girl left this afternoon with a nice young couple, I am sure she is probably spoiled already. Of course, we are all a little heart broken. It's really hard for me cause I am always holding them and talking to them and playing with them. I feel they have all gone to good homes & if anyone needs me all they have do is call me. I know the pups are making their new families happy. We are so glad we get pics of them. It makes it a little easier on the old heart. I just want all my puppies to know how much they were and are loved and we miss you. Especially, your big sissy Destiney.
May God Bless & watch over all the puppies & their new families.
Grandma Beverly

I have had too many irons in the fire, yikes.

I am so embarassed, I have not idea how I overlooked this. I should have had the first pupp , Jager, on here first. I am sorry Jager. I had it in my mind that I got an email but not a picture until Bob remided me I did. I'm not that old yet. Anyways thank you Dan & Joanne for the picture. We can't wait to see how much she has grown.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Look at the big boy, Jager Meister, ain't he something !

Jager looks like he is really settling into his new home with his new family. He loves the water as do the other puppies. He likes to ride on the boat & to swim in the lake. Of course, the pool is ok too. He is getting lots of attention & love from his family. i think they were a perfect fit. He got a very wonderful loving home. Bob was relieved to see his big boy doing so very well. Thanks to Jager Meisters family for sharing his pictures with us. We look forward to watching him grow in the months ahead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tippie is 10 weeks old today & our only puppy left

This little girl whom we call Tippie for now until she gets her new family is 10 weeks old. She weighs about 21 lbs., has had 2 sets of shots & her first interceptor (heart worm pill ). She loves to play with her Big Sister Destiney & Mommy of course. Sometimes, I let her in to play with our yorkiepoo (Taz). She keeps him on the move. She has a very sweet disposition about her. She has a silver tip on the end of her tail. She loves to get attention & to gives lots of puppy kisses.

2 Puppies Left Us

Our little boy who we called growler boy & miss fluff fluff left us last week. They are now named Maxwell Storm Jr. (Storm) & Miss Chainsaw. They went to very loving homes. The last 2 picture were taken here, all the rest are with their new families. Miss Chainsaw still loves playing in the water & Storm looks like he is really enjoying being pampered. I would like to thank all the familie for sending me pictures, you have truly made my heart feel at ease and not so much heart broken for missing Merandas babies. God Bless

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Puppies - 7 Weeks Old on July 4th

Happy Late 4th of July to All!! Our three puppies whom we call, tippy, growler, & fluff love to play in the backyard, growler got a bit tired and decided to take a nap near Mommy Meranda . They have enjoyed playing behind the garage with Daddy Max. But don't worry he just growls alittle at them, Mommy & Big Sister Destiney keep a close watch. Max just doesn't like to share his toys and the pups keep going back to him , so we know they are not really afraid, they just know their place in line. It has been a joy raising them, The longer I get to keep them, the harder it will be to let go.

Friday, July 1, 2011

And Then There Were Three

Don't these 3 look like characters. Last night our Big Big Boy was picked out by his new family. It was a really tough decision, but the kids & Mom decided he was the one. He was definitely in for lots and lots of love & Play. He was Bobs pick of litter. It was a bit hard to let him go, but he knew his Big Boy was going to a really good home & he will be well taken care of. Not sure of his name yet. When I find out I'll let everyone know, they wanted something in German. Since yesterday, the other three have discovered they can get cooled off by standing in the water bowl. I think the Yeager & Big Boy will like the water too when they are introduced to it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6 WEEKS OLD & AUNERY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The puppies were 6 weeks old on this last Monday , 27th. They took another trip to see our vet Dr. Lodwick. He checked them all out, weighed them, and they got their first set of shots. They were plum wore out by the time they got home. At least until it was time to eat supper. Yesterday evening, our short haired little girl was picked up by her new family. They emailed me last night to let us know Yeager was doing just fine. She had walked around their pond, met her new stepsister , who also is an older GSD. We had been calling her Yeager since they picked her out a couple weeks ago, so she knew her name & what come means. They said she was very happy and playfull. I can't wait to see her pictures when her new owners send them.
We are sure she was getting a super home & lots of room to run, not to mention lots and lots of love. Yeager is the puppy at the bottom of the pictures. I have some other pictures of her to keep in our album. I thought I would throw in a picture of Daddy Max, it was such a good picture, I had to share it . He doesn't mind the pups , but he keeps his distance. It is kinda funny, he acts like he is alittle scared of them. He spends a lot of time out in the yard unless they are sleeping or wound down some. It's really cute.