Friday, July 30, 2010

Puppy Attack !!!!!!!

Andrew likes to play with all the puppies. They are on the move/attack this morning. In the first picture, notice the puppy by the pool with his head cocked sideways, like what are they doing and why? When you open the back patio door they all try to get in as well as Meranda so I took a couple pics through the glass. They are all quick little rascals.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Enjoying the Outdoors

It is Sunday July 25, 2010. They are now 5 weeks old today. They really love the backyard/patio. They don't venture to far out. They like to run, romp, wrestle, and play together. A few of them having been laying in the water bowl so we bought a small pool. A few have looked in it, I think its a little tall for them. Max and Meranda have both been in it though. It's not a total loss and the pups may get interested in later. If anything, they like my camera case.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Let Me Out !!!!

After enjoying what it's like to be in the back yard, they have a complete fit to get out. Aside from the little howls and barks they shake the side of the pen/gate with their paws, teeth, or push it with their whole bodies. They have learned to make a lot of racket. It's ok, they are really silly to watch. Today they went out twice for a good period of time. They were ready this evening to come back to the pen for their supper though.

Ready to Play

Our Field Trip Outside

They had just finished their breakfast and we thought they might like to play outside for a bit. Well, one seemed interested but the other decided on a nap since their bellies were full. Mom and Dad seemed confused, maybe they will play next time.

Our First Taste of Puppy Food

They are 4 weeks old now, so they are getting some puppy milk with some Royal Canin German Shepherd Baby Dog Food. When they realized what we put down they were on it like a bunch of peranas. Now, when they see the plates, they are running and pawing to get to it. It's a little hard to get to the middle of the pen with them having you surrounded. They are also drinking out of Max & Merandas big water bowls. They all have a really good appetite. In about a week we will do away with the milk and use water instead. I don't really think they will mind at all. They are just hungry and they want it NOW !!!!

Sleepy Time

20 days

Mom & Dad Need a Little Break

While the babies are sleeping Mom & Dad enjoy some Frosty Paws Ice Cream for dogs in the shade. Mom really needed a break and they both really like their ice cream cups. It's just the right thing to cool them off on these really hot afternoons.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Peek -a- Boo

Well, It's not been quite 2 weeks now. They have been playing peek a boo with us. These puppies opened their eyes first. The rest of the puppies opened their eyes in the next day or two. So, they can all see Meranda. They seem to make alittle more noise now. i don't mind though, I enjoy listening to them. They seem to be getting stronger every day. They crawl as fast as they can to get to mommy first and get the best spot. They are really enjoyable to watch.

1 Week Old

Well, we've made it a week. Meranda is still a little hesitant on lieaving the babies to go out to relieve herself. She doesn't take long. She has been doing really well at being a new mommy. In the pictures with the babies is our son Andrew, he is 10, he really is excited about the puppies and can't wait for them to be big enough to play with. I let Max stroll into the garage to take a peek so he could see where she disappeared to and needless to say, she raised her head, looked at him, raised her lip and gave a low growl. He went right on around the car and out the door he came in. She gives out inside dog ,Tax, who is a yorkiepoo long looks when he walks through. She seems to do ok with other people coming in with us to look at her & her babies. They seem to sense when she comes back into the pen casue it doesn't take long for them to crawl around to find her. They make funny noises when they sleep, it's really cute.

Puppies First Trip to The Vet

We have coaxed Meranda into the backyard as she isn't too willing to leave her babies. They are all snuggled comfortably in the laundry basket that is lined with a nice soft sheet. My husband, Bob, has decided we need to have their dew claws removed. A dew claw is a fifth toenail located behind the leg at the bottom. Dr Ned Lodwick performs the task of removing their dew claws. He says it really is a good idea to have this done. Reason being, 1. It helps keep them from getting it caught on something causing them to hurt themselves, 2. should your puppy/dog jump on you, you won't be scratched by that toenail, and 3. it looks nicer. They all squealed a little and he put a liquid bandaide on them and back to the basket to go back to sleep. I watched the first one to get a picture and turned my head for the rest. I put them back before Meranda made it in to them. Of course, she checked them all out, which woke them up. It was feeding time again.
Now it's time for a breather.

Day 2 - This Feels Much Better Now

I think she is relieved that they are out. We know she seemed very happy about being washed off in the backyard with dog shampoo and the water hose. You could sort of tell she appreciated being taken care of too. After we finished cleaning her up & her area and giving them a new clean sheet to lay on she seemed even more content. When she is happy, which is most of the time, she wags her tail alot and looks at us as if she is smiling. It's really cute. The day isn't over cause we have to take the babies to the vet.

Here they come !!!

Meranda went into full labor on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 1:30 A.M.. Happy Fathers Day ! It was a long morning/night. She had no complications (Thank God). She was a good mommy, she took right to cleaning them up and nursing her babies.They came about 1 an hour, then down to about 1 every 45 minutes. She has 7 babies total. Doesn't she look relieved and contented. I can't wait for them to get bigger so we can play with them.

Is this Jail or What????