Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Puppies First Trip to The Vet

We have coaxed Meranda into the backyard as she isn't too willing to leave her babies. They are all snuggled comfortably in the laundry basket that is lined with a nice soft sheet. My husband, Bob, has decided we need to have their dew claws removed. A dew claw is a fifth toenail located behind the leg at the bottom. Dr Ned Lodwick performs the task of removing their dew claws. He says it really is a good idea to have this done. Reason being, 1. It helps keep them from getting it caught on something causing them to hurt themselves, 2. should your puppy/dog jump on you, you won't be scratched by that toenail, and 3. it looks nicer. They all squealed a little and he put a liquid bandaide on them and back to the basket to go back to sleep. I watched the first one to get a picture and turned my head for the rest. I put them back before Meranda made it in to them. Of course, she checked them all out, which woke them up. It was feeding time again.
Now it's time for a breather.

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